Challenges facing cloud architects in 2020

May 9, 2019
Hayden Van Roon

in Cloud Connectivity, Featured Post, connectivity and network webinars

Our panelists, Nick and Yoni, discuss the biggest challenges cloud architects will face over the next two years. 

We'll also uncover:

✔️ The single most important change cloud architects can make today that will impact their organisation's future state of computing,

✔️ The mistakes cloud architects are making today that will disrupt cloud-enabled networks,

✔️ What leading architects are deploying today to future-proof their business and...

✔️ Much more.



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  • Nulla rutrum augue ut arcu ornare, pulvinar consequat purus pharetra.
  • Ut non sapien tincidunt, aliquam odio ut, mollis neque.


Watch the 'Challenges facing cloud architects in 2020' webinar

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